Monday, June 23, 2014

Musical Monday- Birdy's Skinny Love and Light Me Up

I really wasn't planning on linking up for Musical Monday today.  Nothing was sticking out and I've just been listening to a lot of mainstream stuff lately, but this morning while I was flipping through Spotify's recommendations for me, I saw Birdy whom they recommended based on my love of the Civil Wars.  Sometimes I think Spotify is drunk when they give me recommendations, but this time they actually did pretty good.

Birdy does a lot of covers which I actually kind of liked.  Here she is performing Bon Iver's Skinny Love, with her own unique twist on it.

And here she is singing Light Me Up which is more upbeat, and definitely more "poppy" than something I'd normal pick, but it's still pretty good.

Her voice just has this nice quality to it. Like a much less depressed Lana Del Ray, or more fun loving Lordes.  Check her out.  She does some covers of Fleet Foxes, The National, and The XX too.

And don't forget to check out My So Called Chaos' link up to see what all the other kids are listening to this week.  It's easy.  Just click the picture below.

Also, don't forget to stop back later this week!  It's my one year Blogiversary and I have a big present planned for some lucky soul!


  1. Oh MY!!!!!! I love her sound! Thanks so much Kaylee for introducing me to her!

    1. You're welcomed Jolene! I really like all her covers. :)
