Tuesday, September 12, 2017

September Reading List

September already!  That means the year will be 3/4 of the way over in just a few weeks!  I always feel like a year is such a long time, and have all these plans for change and how different my life will look after another trip around the sun, but it seems to stay mundanely the same.  Maybe it's just that it's hard to notice change when we're still so close to it.  Maybe there's not much to notice.  But, anyways, there's still plenty of books I want to read before the year comes to a close, so let's get on to that.

In September, I'm aiming to get through some books that have been on my shelf for a while:
  • The Passenger by Lisa Lutz had been on wish list, and I received it for a birthday present back in February.  I honestly can't remember which blog reviewed it, that made me want to add it to my wishlist, but it's languished on my shelf for over half a year now, and it seemed like it was time to give it a read.  I'm actually reading this one right now, and am enjoying it.
  • The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri has been on my shelf for years!  Years! It's time to either read it or pass it on.
  • In Praise of Slowness by Carl Honore is a nonfiction read.  I listened to a TED Talk Honore did on slowing down, after I had found this book at the thrift store.  I found it intriguing, but never got around to reading it. 
  • Broken Monsters by Lauren Beukes is by the same author as The Shining Girls.  I'm hoping for a little less gore, but I'm not holding my breath.  I see someone on Goodreads describe Beukes still as paranormal crime noir, and while that sounds like a mouthful, it also seems accurate.  I don't know how I'm going to feel about this one.  The Shining Girls definitely held my interest, and I read it fast, but if I hadn't bought this one before I read the other, I'm not sure I would have brought it home with me.  That seems contrary, but it makes sense in my head.

So, that's what I'm hoping to get through this month.  What's on your reading list?  Or do you have any insight to offer into any of the books on my list?  Let me know.

Monday, September 11, 2017

August Book Recap

August was a pretty slow reading month due to all the podcast listening.  I don't know why I didn't consider that this would happen when I set my podcast goal, but oh well.  I did manage to get a couple books read.

At Bertram's Hotel by Agatha Christie was definitely not my favorite of her books, and I had no qualms tossing this one into the book destined for the thrift store when I was done.  It's a Miss Marple mystery, but it was just missing something.  The characters where ho hum, and the mystery just seemed far fetched and unbelievable.

God Speaks Tenderly by Marie Shropshire was much better than I expected.  I went into it not expecting much, but I really came away with some applicable insights.  My job gets under my skin a lot.  I've had more headaches, insomnia, and nausea than I can remember with any job, but there's perks too- I like the people I work with, I like the residents, I don't mind most of the work, so what do you do?  Sometimes I feel like God puts you someplace to work on something in your life.  Maybe it's patience, or empathy, or even your courage.  I know there's plenty I need to work on, and you can't just quit something because it's hard, but sometimes growing feels like an impossible task.

Walking in This World by Julie Cameron is a companion book to The Artist's Way.  It stresses the importance of walking for getting the creative juices flowing, as well as giving insights into nurturing your work.  It was a good read, although I will admit, it did take me a while to get into it, and actually a while to finish it.  But, I am keeping it on my finished book shelf because I feel I may want to read it again in the future.

And as far as what I added to my book piles?  Nothing.  I didn't buy a single book last month.  That makes my totals at 25 books read this year and 22 added to my shelves.  I'm aiming for at least five books read in September, because I really need to step up my game if I'm going to make my yearly goal of 48 reads.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Podcast Challenge 37-50

Well, I didn't make my goal of 62 podcasts.  I got to 50, and ran out of month.  But, I still think that's a decent chunk of listening.  I found some gems, so clunkers, and some interesting ones I probably wouldn't have tried without the challenge, but I must admit, I'm relieved that I'm back to listening only for fun, and not scouring the interwebs for new listens.  Here's a recap of the last batch.
37. Hold On with Eugene Mirman
38. Reveal
39. Stuff They Don't Want You to Know
40. Twenty Percent True
41. You Must Remember This
42. I Guess We're Grown-Ups Now
43. The Practical Minimalists
44. How Stuff Works
45. Young House Love
46. It's Been a Minute
47. Lif-e.af/ter
48. That's So Maven
49. For the Love with Jen Hatmaker
50. Radiolab

Favorite of this Batch: Reveal
Best Surprise: Twenty Percent True
Definitely Going to Continue Listening to: Radiolab

Five Favorites of 1-50:

  • Write Now
  • Stuff You Missed in History Class
  • Annotated
  • Reveal
  • Levar Burton Reads

And that folks, is a wrap for my August podcast challenge.  While I enjoyed it, it really did cut into my reading time.  But, I definitely found plenty of listening material for my walks and housework tasks.  And if you still haven't tried podcasts, what are you waiting for?  Just click a link and listen to one.  You can do it right from you phone or computer.  It's better than television, and easier than holding a book.  And if you have a favorite that I didn't listen to in August, please leave me the title in the comments and I'll check it out.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Three Loves for the End of August

Here's a couple of the things I've been feeling lately... Because lists make me happy.

hot drinks

1. Golden Milk.  This mixture of turmeric, coconut milk, and spices has this rich, indulgent taste that seems like it came from a fancy coffee shop instead of things that I threw together in a saucepan late at night when I can't sleep.  (Any other insomniacs out there?)  Here's the recipe I use from The Minimalist Baker.

2. Turkey meatballs.  Confession of the not very scandalous kind- I never bought ground turkey until about a month ago.  I'm not really sure why.  But since I have, I've been making turkey meatballs and eating them on everything from rice noodles to salads.  They hold their shape well and taste pretty satisfying.

3. I am by no means a Taylor Swift fan.  I mean, if I would have to describe my attitude towards her, it'd probably be "indifferent".  I don't really dislike her, and some of her songs are catchy, but her new song has just embedded itself in my head and I kind of like it.  I find myself singing the refrain under my breath.  And while my default setting towards whatever is popular is to avoid it at all costs, I just can't seem to shake this song. Also, major props to her for standing up to the grope-y DJ in Denver and seeing it through to the end.

Sometimes, certain things just resonate with you.  I mean, I'm always looking for a hot beverage to try on chilly nights- whether it be tea, hot cocoa and butterscotch schnaps or just coffee, but mixing spices with coconut milk probably wouldn't have been on my list to try until I started having trouble sleeping.  When you can't sleep, you're not above resorting to weird home remedies, and while I haven't noticed better sleep with golden milk, I have discovered I really like the taste.  Turkey meatballs just seem to have developed out of a desire to cut out read meat.  And Taylor Swift?  I don't know, does one really need a reason to want to jam out to Taylor Swift?

Monday, August 21, 2017

Podcast Challenge 25-36

Well, I think it's getting harder to find straight up amazing podcasts, but every now and then I find a gem that I'm surprised I hadn't encountered before.  And while a lot of this batch are smaller or more niche, there's been some that are real treats.

25. The Fizzle Show
26. The Mythology Podcast
27. Write Now
28. Gone Cold
29. Process
30. Spilled Milk
31. Stuff You Should Know
32. Imaginary Worlds
33. Blog Fuel
34. Annotated
35. To The Best of Our Knowledge
36. An Uncluttered Life

Favorite of this Batch: Write Now
Best Surprise: Tie between Gone Cold and Blog Fuel
Definitely Going to Continue Listening to: Annotated

Five Favorites of 1-36:
  • Write Now
  • Stuff You Missed in History Class
  • Annotated
  • Criminal
  • Levar Burton Reads
So, I've made it more than halfway!  What do you think?  Is there any awesome podcasts out there that you can't believe I haven't tried yet?  And remember, if you want to follow along with my daily updates, check out my Twitter feed or Facebook page.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Podcast Challenge 13-24

Okay, so there's a lot of podcasts out there, but not all of them are winners. August 7-12 I listened to the following podcasts:
Favorite of the Batch: Benjamen Walker's Theory of Everything
Best Surprise: 99% Invisible
Definitely Going to Continue Listening: Stuff Mom Never Told You

Five favorites of 1-24
  • Stuff You Missed in History Class
  • Benjamen Walker's Theory of Everything
  • S-Town
  • Levar Burton Reads
  • Criminal
I have been listening to podcasts while I go for walks, while I clean, when I fold laundry, in the bathtub, when I'm cooking, pretty much everywhere.  And what I've learned is that not all podcasts are amazing.  I've stumbled across some that I listened to one episode tapped out as soon as it was done, but I've also found some really awesome new listens.  But really, it's made me decide to keep looking for new ones (even after the challenge is done) and giving some a try even if I don't think they'll be my cup of tea. It's been a fun experiment so far.  

Monday, August 7, 2017

Podcast Challenge 1-12

In the first six days of August, I've listened to so many different podcasts, that I've had to resort to keeping an Evernote list of the ones I've tried so far.

So, here's the ones I listened to August 1 through August 5, in no particular order:
  1.  Levar Burton Reads
  2. Memory Palace
  3. The Moth
  4. Criminal
  5. Lore
  6. Southern Hollows
  7. Stuff You Missed in History Class
  8. Invisibilia
  9. How to Do Everything
  10. Hidden Kitchen
  11. Side Hustle School
  12. S-Town
Favorite of the batch: S-Town
Best surprise: Southern Hollows
Definitely going to continue listening to: Invisibilia

I was kind of concerned about how I was going to find 62 podcasts to try out, but I've been coming across new ones on Twitter and adding them to the list.

To follow along, you can follow me on Twitter or Facebook.  I post every day of which ones I'm trying out.  If you have a recommendation for me, drop me a comment.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

August Reading List

So it's time for another reading list.  August is already here

  • The Girl in the Spider's Web by David Lagercrantz- I've heard good things about this "fourth book" of the "Girl with the Dragon's Tattoo" trilogy.  So, I'm looking forward to catching back up with Lizabeth Sander.
  • The Tempress by Paul Spice- The true story of a 1920s femme fatale?  Interested!
  • At Bertram's Hotel by Agatha Christie- Because sometimes a girl just needs a little visit with Miss Marple.
  • The Zookeeper's Wife by Diane Ackerman- Another true story.  The Zabinski's helped Polish Jews by hiding them in their zoo.  Serving as a safe haven for many as they were smuggled out of the country.  There's a movie coming out based on it.
What's on your August reading list?

Saturday, August 5, 2017

July Book Recap

Books Read in July

July was a decent month for reading.  I didn't make my five book goal, but I did get through three books.
  •  First Among Sequels by Jasper Fforde is book five in the Thursday Next series. It had been on my reading list in January, but I just finally got it read.  I think there's one left in this series, and while I've enjoyed it, I am ready to finish it.  Does that make any sense?  
  • Three Bags Full by Leonie Swann was discovered in a thrift store on the shores of Lake Superior in June.  This story of sheep solving the murder of their shepherd was not all what I was expecting.  I did enjoy most of the sheep characters, but there was one or two existential sheep scenes and I wasn't sure what was going on or how they fit in the story.  There was also some confusing parts where I had to go back and reread to see if the sheep were imaging something, really experiencing what the book said, or if it was a flashback.  I don't know if something was lost in translation or it's just the authors style, but it wasn't necessarily a negative for the book.  I was expecting a cozy mystery and it was more than that.
  •  Brave New World by Aldous Huxley was interesting.  Not as scary as 1984, but still disconcerting.  Babies are not conceived and raised by families, but rather grown in jars.  Monogamy is frowned upon and medicating any feelings of discomfort away is strongly encouraged.  Also, it was originally published in 1932, and there is a ton of sex in this book.  It's mostly implied, and it's not really gratuitous, but it still seems odd that it was wrote 85 years ago.  I wonder what the original readers thought of it.  The ending i also kind of sudden, but I think the author meant for it to be.  It's one of those books I really don't think I'll ever read again, but I am glad I read it. 

New July Books

For July, I managed to only add one book.  It's another book in Jo Nesbo's Harry Hole series.  Nemesis is book four and I found it on Bookmooch so I had to snap it up in preparation of getting to it of the next few months.

2017 totals:
22 Books Read
22 Books Acquired

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Country Get Away

I think vacations are supposed to be relaxing, but so often we fill them with sightseeing, and eating out, and playing the role of tourist that we miss out on recharging our batteries and return even more tired than when we left.

One of my friends and I were talking about how we just wanted to get away for a weekend and work on our writing and goal setting and just find some clarity.  She said, "Let's do it!" and so, over breakfast at one of the local restaurants on Saturday, we booked an AirBNB that's only about an hour from where we live for the following weekend.  It was a cute little cabin on a farm, complete with two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a sauna, and a little kitchenette. 

Our Little Sauna Cabin
We loaded up on groceries, books, planners, and laptops and struck out Friday afternoon, after I was done with work.  Our hosts were great and we had a great time just relaxing and recharging.  I went through  a lot of blogging and personal planning, made a lot of lists, read and snacked on apples and cashew butter a lot.  We sat in the sauna both nights and just enjoyed have limited cell phone reception.  I wouldn't be surprised at all if I ended up there again this winter.

It was close enough to home that we didn't have to spend a day traveling, the price was reasonable, especially when you split it with a friend, the weather was beautiful, and it was so nice to just lounge in sweats and not worry about makeup or laundry or grocery shopping for the week to come or anything else.  I came back feeling so relaxed and still had energy to clean my house Sunday afternoon. 

Do you have a favorite spot to get away and just relax?

Monday, July 31, 2017

62 Podcasts in 31 Days

31 Days of Podcats

Remember "Serial"?  That was my first Podcast, and I was hooked.  I've written about some of my other favorites here and here.  During my weekend in the country, my friend and I were comparing notes about podcasts we like, and I added a bunch of new ones to my list.  My husband had also given me some recommendations so I checked some of those out too.  And listening to all these new podcasts is just making me want to dig deeper and deeper into the world of podcasts.  I listen to everything from fiction, to true crime, true story, creativity help, history, religious, and psychology. 

So, I've decided for August, I'm going to listen to 62 different podcasts in 31 days.  Originally, I was thinking two episodes a day, and a variety of at least 25 different podcast, but I think there's so many interesting ones, I'd barely be scratching the surface at that rate.  Want to follow along?  I'll be tweeting out the exact episodes I listen to each day, and giving weekly updates starting tomorrow.

Have any recommendations?  Please leave them below!

Thursday, July 27, 2017

12 Excuses Why There's No Blog Post Today

Quit Making Excuses

Okay, in an effort to be more honest, I'm going to share some of the actually excuses I have told myself when I thought I should be working on blog posts, to convince myself not to.  Try not to judge me by my ridiculousness.
  1. My camera doesn't take good pictures.
  2. The lighting isn't good for pictures right now.
  3. My life is boring.  I don't have anything good to post.
  4. I have nothing to say.
  5. I need to clean my house.
  6. I should really organize my closet.
  7. I will after I finish this self help/creativity boosting/interesting book.
  8. I should really read some other blogs for inspiration.
  9. I don't want to be copying other bloggers.
  10. I don't have anything unique to say.
  11. I really need to clean my office before I start.
  12. This really isn't the right time of month for that post.
This is kind of my way of getting it out in the open, so next time I try to self sabotage, I can tell myself to knock it off.  Does that make sense? 

So, for you other bloggers, what do you tell yourself that gets in the way of your blogginig?  Or if you don't blog, what excuse have you used that can unravel your creativity faster than any other?  I'm trying to be less self sabotaging, and have more self discipline, but it's a hard journey friends.


Monday, July 24, 2017

What to Do When Your Creativity is on Life Support

Brutal honesty here for a minute.  I have felt like any creativity inside me has been pretty much dead for almost the past year.  And it put me in a funk, big time.  I didn't feel like sewing much, with the exception of the winter craft fair I did with a friend.  I didn't really bake much because I'm trying to watch my weight.  And I definitely wasn't getting any writing done.  There were many factors, and I still haven't pinpointed what knocked the wind out of my creativity sails, but there are a few suspects, and it may very well be just a conglomeration of the three.
  • Changing jobs (twice).  I feel like anytime you make a big change to your routine, it has the potential to knock your creativity off its feet.  I went from working second shift, to working first.  My most productive time was always between about 8 am and 1 pm, but now I work at that time.
  • Winter.  Winter puts me in a funk faster than anything.  Oh it sounds quaint- Christmas carols, and white powdery snow, warm sweaters, and hot cocoa and toasty fires.  But, if you live far enough north, you know what it's really like- shoveling heavy, wet snow, starting your car fifteen minutes before you plan on leaving so it warms up, ice, and darkness- so much darkness.  It's dark when you get up, and the sun is already setting when you get done with work.  You're cold all the time.  Misery sucks the creativity right out of you.
  • Depression.  Because once Christmas passes, you know what you're left with?  Another two to three months of snow, more darkness, and nothing to look forward to.  Sounds depressing?  It is.  Usually my goal is just to hold on to dear life and wait for the thaw.  Usually spring whisks away my sad feelings just like the breeze that speeds up the melting of all the dirty snow banks.  But this year, that didn't happen.  I was in the middle of my second job change in just over six months and I went from depressed to stressed.  I wasn't motivated to do anything besides consume carbs and drink coffee while eating European chocolates.  There were little bursts of creativity but nothing that was able to catch fire in the artistic part of my brain.
But now, finally, seven months into the new year, I feel alive and ready to go again.  I feel creative again, and energized and ready to tackle projects and make new things. So what's changed?
  • My diet.  My brother sells Advocare and I decided to give the 24 Day Challenge a try.  And while I'm not saying you have to do the program to feel better, I do think cutting all added sugar and most carbs out of my life has helped me feel better.  I'm only fifteen days in but feel better than I have in a long time.  And that's after enduring a nearly 48 hour headache when my body realized there was no chocolate coming.
  • Morning pages.  I've gotten back to writing three pages of whatever is in my head in the morning.  This brain dump, that Julia Cameron swears by really does help.  You can get all the things bottled up, out on to paper.  And sometime I even find some truth in what I write.  But, I look at it as getting some of the cobwebs cleared so I can get to the real gems underneath.  And by the way, this doesn't happen everyday, but just doing it a few times a week really helps.
  • My attitude.  Now this one is a tricky one because people say "change your attitude" like it's putting on socks, but it's not.  I really recommend taking a day off and just unplugging from Facebook and Instagram and even the constant stream of text messages and getting out the pen and paper and writing what you want from life.  Do you want more money, do you want more time, do you want more fun?  How are you going to get it?  Come up with a game plan.  Once I really thought about what I want my life to look like, I feel like I got a lot of clarity about the here and now.
  • My plan.  Or to be more clear, I made a plan.  Life always feels better when you feel like you have some control.  Make a list.  Make several lists.  Make a list of action steps you can take and then make some lists of how to conquer each action step.  Make some action steps for conquering your goals.  Bonus points if you have someone you can bounce your plan off. 
So, while we think of creativity as this spontaneous thing that just pops up like one of those mushrooms that just show up in your yard, full grown, overnight, without any real rhyme or reason, but it's not.  At least not for me.  For me, creativity needs structure.  It needs to be watered and fed.  It's much more like a finicky house plant that you can't leave unattended for too long, or the leaves start to fall off and it shrivels.

make a list you'll feel better

Thursday, July 6, 2017

July Reading List

July already?  How can this be?  It seems like it was just a few months ago, I was battling cold and snow and now we've already celebrated Independence Day.   Well, here's what is on my reading list for July.

Books to read

  • Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel was found at BAM a few months back on the clearance shelf.  It's a dystopian story, and it's gotten good rating on Goodreads.  That's about all I know for sure.
  • Three Bags Full by Leonie Swann was only bought a few weeks ago, but I just think it sounds really cute and sometimes you just really want to read something out of the usual.  Sheep detectives fit that mold.
  • Brave New World by Aldous Huxley is my second dystopian pick of the month.  This was not on purpose and I just realized it as I was writing this post.  It may turn out to be a depressing month of reading.
  • How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie should come in handy after I read all this fall of modern society stuff. :)  Actually, I'm not much of a worrier in the traditional sense.  But, I do feel like I have decision anxiety quite frequently, often wondering if I'm making the right choice about life stuff.  If something happens that is out of my control, like our air conditioner dies, or my car needs some work done, no worries, but if I have to make a decision, I waffle like no ones business.  So, I think this book still might have some appliciation for me.
What about you?  What are you currently reading?  Or have you read any of my pick for the month?  If so, what'd you think?

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

June (and May) Book Recap

We've got six months left in 2017, and I'm a little behind on my reading goals, but not impossibly so.  Here's what I read in June:
mystery books
  • I'd Know You Anywhere by Laura Lippman was a really quick read and interesting but I just wasn't super satisfied with how it all wrapped up.  I wanted to know more about the other victims, I wanted to know more about Elizabeth's childhood and the time she spent with Walter that summer.  I felt like the surface was barely scratched.
  • The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty had been on my shelf for several months and while it was a fast read, I didn't like it nearly as much as What Alice Forgot.  I just felt like the whole big secret was something that would have had much less disastrous effects if it had all come to light at the time it was done.  I guess that's doesn't make this unrealistic, but it made me find most of the characters involved annoying.  Although it may just be that they were human.  Also, the big omnipresent epilogue also annoyed me.  I felt like it was unfair that I knew things that the characters never found out, which could have changed the whole course of their lives.
  • The Bat by Jo Nesbo was my first foray into the Harry Hole series and while there was nothing magical about this one, I will keep reading them because I've hear it does get much, much better.

I did find some good books this month too:
books to read
  • Three Bags Full by Leonie Swann is a murder mystery where the detective is a flock of anthropomorphized sheep.  For some reason, I'm a sucker for stories with animals that act human.
  • Cockroaches is the second book in Jo Nesbo's Harry Hole series.  The first book took place in Australia, this one takes place in Bangkok.  I'm hoping they move the setting to Norway soon.  I just miss my Billy's Pan Pizza and snow.  Basically it doesn't seem like Scandinavian Noir if it doesn't take place in Scandinavia.
  • Cooked by Michael Pollan is one of the few books I have left to read by him.  He always makes me want to eat healthier and consider what I thought I knew about healthy eating.
  • The Art of Eating by M.F.K. Fisher is a collection of five of Fisher's books in one.  She wrote on all things food related and the book is chock full of recipes, tips, and thoughts.  I wouldn't consider it a cookbook, but more a mediation on food related things.
And here's a quick peak of my book activity for May

new books

My 2017 totals:  READ 19   ACQUIRED 21

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Mid-Year Check In

Sometimes (okay, rarely) I feel like I'm right where I'm supposed to be.  I feel like I have a handle on most things in my life, and I feel like I'm keeping on top of the day to day, like buying groceries, doing laundry, and keeping tabs on all the adult things like paying bills, getting the oil changed in my car, and making sure I'm remembering the people in my life.  Then other times, I feel like I just have a hand on the adult things.  Then, every once in a while, like right now, I feel like I don't have a handle on any of it.  (See above image.)

There hasn't been any big life changes.  No one has been diagnosed with a terminal illness, no accidents, no financial disasters, but I still can't seem to get my life together.  Laundry pills up until I fold five loads at once, kale dies in my crisper drawer, while I run out of milk.  I procrastinate scheduling appointments.  I've gone months without a haircut.  I've gotten fatter.  And creative pursuits like blogging seem to wither away.

Job change seems to be the only explanation to what threw my day to day off orbit.  But, just as changing course a fraction of a degree doesn't make that big of a change initially, within a short time, you'll find yourself somewhere else totally. 

Last September, I quit my job at the hospital to go work at the credit union here in town.  There was a lot of things I was getting tired of at the hospital, and while the credit union was amazing to work with and I really liked my coworkers, the work just wasn't my cup of tea.  So, in April, when I got a Facebook message from someone I used to work with at the hospital, telling me about an opening at the nursing home to work as a health unit coordinator (which is the same job I did at the hospital), I quickly decided to apply.  I was hired, and while I like the work, I am still adjusting.

I have to be to work even earlier now, but there are no weekends or holidays required.  I have some new responsibilities, and while it's the same job I did before, there is some obvious variance between nursing home and hospital.  It's also crazy hot in there.  Like literally.  Old people are chronically cold.

So, I've been coming home tired, sweaty, and unmotivated.  Consequently, I'm fatter, less productive, and more of a procrastinator then normal.  Which makes me crankier, more of an emotional eater, and even more tired.  Well, the time has come to turn the train around.  The year is half over, and I'm resolved to have it end on a better note than where it is currently.

Here's what I'm planning for the next six months:
  • Lose 30 pounds.
  • Read 29 books.
  • Get back to a morning routine
  • Refocus my creative pursuits- including my blog.
What are you planning for the next six months?  Where do you want to be at the end of the year?

Sunday, May 21, 2017

May Reading List

Okay, here's my list of what I'm hoping to tackle in May.  I know the month is about 2/3 over, but I figured better late than never.

Grace (Eventually): Thoughts on Faith by Anne Lamott.  I think my love of Anne Lamott is well known by now.  This is another collection of essays by her.

The Bat by Jo Nesbo.  This is the first book in his Harry Hole series and I'm ready to dive into a new Scandinavian mystery.

An Ordinary Man by Paul Rusesabagina.  This is an autobiography by the man who inspired Hotel Rwanda by hiding Tutsi's during the genocide in 1994.  It was originally on my list September of last year, but never even got cracked open.

Letters to Zell by Camille Griep.  This was in my Fall Sweet Progress Swap package and  is a reimagining of Cinderella, Rapunzel, Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty.  I'm always down with a good fairy tale retold.

So what are you reading, or have you read this month?

Thursday, May 11, 2017

April Book Recap

So April was a good month of reading, but I didn't get much else done, including blogging.  I started a new job, and now my schedule is 7:00 to 3:30, Monday to Friday.  I enjoy getting done at 3:30, and had really good intentions to spend time once I got home blogging and keeping up with some of the other blogs I follow, but unfortunately, I haven't been able to establish much of a routine yet.  Instead, I get done with work, run some errands, then come home and read, eat supper, maybe go for a walk with my friend down the street and her dog, and next thing I know it's 8 o'clock and I'm falling asleep on the couch.  Still ironing out a routine that fosters blogging time.  But anyways, here's what I read and bought.


Burial Rites by Hannah Kent was interesting.  It takes place in Iceland and is based on a true story.  The author did a great job of painting vivid scenes and really showing how a place looked, felt, and even smelled like, but I didn't love it as much as everyone else seemed to.  I thought it was a good story, but I wanted to know more about the family that Agnes stayed with, more about Agnes even, but she wasn't much of a talker and a lot of the story took place in her head with her remembering it and retelling it to herself.

The Girl with All the Gifts by M.R. Carey started out with such promise.  I was enjoying it right up until about the time they ended up on the RV.  Then it all started to go downhill.  I enjoyed the characters and cared about most of them, and this book is bleak, no doubt, so I wasn't expecting them to fire up the RV, ride off into the sunset, and find the answer to all humanities woes. I was expecting something like Cormac McCarthy's The Road- not a happy ending but not delusional.  This book ended in such a strange way.  All it made me think is that Melanie may be super smart and observant, but she's still a child or she would have realized that her plan was not only unfeasible to save the one she loved but also cruel.  I don't want to spoil anything, but ugh, that ending just annoyed me.

Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller was nonfiction and a good look at how Christians have a tendency to get all wrapped up in this or hat and forget that our main purpose is to love each other.  I liked most of the stories and it did make me think.  We all have first impressions of the people we meet, but are we willing to dig deeper and see really get to know people.  I know a lot of times, I don't engage with people because I think we'll never be deep friends so why bother, but there's plenty of reasons to get to know someone even if you think they're not going to be your new bff.  This may seem like a duh thing extroverts but I think introverts are going to know what I mean.

A Secret Kept by Tatiana de Rosnay was so disappointing.  I loved how the book started, taking place in Noirmoutier and even the little flashbacks were cute at first.  Plus there was some big family secret to unravel!  Oh my, I can't wait!  Well turns out I could have.  The secret is not that devastating.  The way they were carrying on you'd have thought their mother was some sort of puppy murderer or something.  Plus, the main character, Antoine, is this sad sack divorcee who's unsatisfied in his job and can't connect with his kids, and still wants to get back with his ex-wife who left him for another guy.  But all that changes when he meets the most remarkable undertaker.  Look up manic pixie dream girl, and you'll see this chick.  She has an unconventional job, she drives a Harley, she takes the reins sexually, his kids all love her, she never has a bad day apparently, and in turn she turns dumb Antoine's life around, and I couldn't have cared less.  I kept hoping this book would get better but it didn't. 

A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson lived up to what I remembered.  He goes from giving history of the trail to telling actual tales from his trip.  It's a nice balance and makes you realize what an amazing thing the Appalachian Trail is.  I don't think I'd ever want to hike the whole thing, but it does make you respect those who do.  And Bryson is funny.  I laughed out loud with this book several times.


The Memory of Running by Ron McLarty was picked up at my library's book sale.  I almost put it back because I'm really trying to limit the amount of books I'm hauling home, but after reading more about it on Goodreads, I am glad I picked it up.

Totals for 2017
Read- 14
Acquired- 12

Monday, April 10, 2017

April Reading List

April is here!  And here's what I'm aiming to read this month.
  • The Girl with All the Gifts by M.R. Carey was a gift from my Broke and Bookish Secret Santa last year.  I've been looking forward to this read and have been trying to keep away from spoilers, so I'm not sure what all I'm in for, but looking forward to the ride.
  • One True Ocean by Sarah Beth Martin was on my to be read list way back in October of 2015.  But, I never even cracked it open.  So, this is the month for redemption.  It's 
  • A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson is being turned into movie.  When I was at my aunt and uncle's cabin a few years ago, I found a copy there and started reading through it.  So, when I found a copy at a book sale, I snapped it up.
  • Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller us described as a sort of Anne Lamott style book.  So, of course I had to give it a go.  It's been sitting on my shelf for months but decided it was time to dust it off.
What's on your reading list for April?

Saturday, April 8, 2017

March Book Recap

March was a surprisingly good month for reading.  I had gotten into a habit of coming home, plopping in front of the TV and watching reruns until my husband got home, so I broke that and switched from TV to books.  Of course, once you're immersed in a good story, it's hard to put a book down, so I ended up spending a lot of nights curled up with a book.  Here's the details.

I read
  • The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Steven Chbosky, which had been on my February reading list, but I never got to it.  It was a quick read, but much more intense than I was expecting.  I was expecting this cutsie little story about friendship and finding your place in life, and that is not what this is at all, it's much darker and more intense.  But it was good and I'm glad I finally read it.
  • The Shining Girls by Lauren Beukes (originally from my November 2016 reading list) was also darker than I normally read.  I think this would be classified as horror, where I'm more a suspense type girl.  I really liked the premise of a time traveling serial killer, but there was a lot of questions left unanswered and some of the relationships and decisions of the characters just didn't seem reliable to me, and the gore was more than I care for in my books.  But it was interesting, that's for sure.
  • Still Mine by Amy Stuart didn't live up to my expectations.  I didn't really like any of the characters except for maybe the missing girl's mother, who has dementia.  The whole town sounded like a downer and being in healthcare, one my biggest annoyances was that this town of like a couple hundred people, two hours from anything in the middle of no where, isolated from everything because it's on some remote mountain road, has a hospital even though it seems like there's only one doctor and one nurse running the whole thing.  The grocery store consisted of a couple rows of stuff in the hardware store.  The town residents drive two hours to get food, but they manage to maintain a hospital?  Seriously, my town has about 4,000 people and we are pretty tiny to have a hospital.  It probably seems like no big deal to most readers, but the whole remoteness, yet randomness of this town really annoyed me.  And like I said, combine that with characters you don't care about- even the missing girl seemed unremarkable, and it makes for a fast but not really memorable read.  I did enjoy the parts of Claire's story that fleshed her out a little, but there wasn't enough to make me care about her that much.
  • Children of God by Mary Doria Russell was much better than I was expecting.  It's the sequel to The Sparrow, which was my favorite read of last year.  While the sequel wasn't as good (are they ever), I did enjoy reading more about Emilio Sandoz again, and watching him overcome the trauma he experienced in the first book.  The war in the middle got long, and I felt like a lot of it could have been cut or condensed, but I liked the back and forth point of views, where one chapter would be on Earth and the next would be on Rakhat.  I think this is one of those books that you either love or hate.  And you definitely need to read The Sparrow before this one, or you're going to be lost, or at least not as emotionally invested in a lot of the characters.
I added
  •  Lenten Lands by Douglas Gresham is a memoir of C.S. Lewis' stepson.  The more I find out about Joy Davidman and C.S. Lewis' marriage, the more I want to hear about it, so this book by her son seems like an obvious read for me.
  • What Strange Creatures by Emily Arsenault is a murder mystery with a strong family story woven in.  To be honest, the cover drew me in, but I have a feeling the book is going to go a whole different direction.
  • Broken Monsters by Lauren Beukes was at the dollar store, for $1.  I picked it up before I read The Shining Girls and now that I have read The Shining Girls, I worry it may be too gory for my taste, but I'm willing to give it a read.  Per Goodreads, it got slightly higher ratings that The Shining Girls.

2017 Totals
Read- 9, Acquired- 11

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Winter Bingo Wrap Up

Well, it was my first time playing Bookish Bingo, hosted by Bekka from Pretty Deadly Reviews.  I didn't get many books read this winter, but did manage to eek out a Bingo.  Here it is...

Set Abroad: The Man from Beijing by Henrik Mankell
Romance: Dear Mr. Darcy by Amanda Grange
Blue Cover:
Stone Mattresses by Margaret Atwood
Unreliable Narrator: Where'd You Go Bernadette by Maria Simple

Also read...
GR Choice Nominee: The Trespasser by Tana French 
Not YA: The Cozy Life by Pia Edberg
Super Hyped: The Gifts of Imperfection by Brenea Brown

If you want to play along this spring, go to Pretty Deadly Reviews and sign up.

Friday, March 3, 2017

March Reading List

Here's what I'm looking forward to reading in March.
  • Still Mine by Amy Stuart was on my reading list way back last June, but I never got around to giving it a try.  It looks like a good mystery, so I'm looking forward to giving it a whirl.
  • Children of God by Mary Doria Russell is the sequel to my favorite read of 2016- The Sparrow.  I've had this copy for probably six months now, and finally decided it's time to give it a read.  I'm not expecting the same magic of The Sparrow, but I'm looking forward to seeing where this book takes those characters.
  • Soul Shift by Steve Deneff is nonfiction book all about spiritual transformation.  It details how we sabotage our efforts to change and how to shift your mindset.  It's been on my shelf for a while, but I feel like I could really use it now.
Have you read any of these?  Or have a recommendation for me?  Feel free to drop me a note in the comments letting me know.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

February Book Recap

February wasn't as good of a month for reading as I was hoping it would be.  To be honest, I've just been trying to survive the winter.  I haven't felt like doing much of anything- no reading, no cooking, no sewing.  Just working and occasionally going out to see friends.  My coping skills for winter consist of drinking coffee, eating chocolate, and napping.   I'm looking forward to spring though.  We just got more snow yesterday, but I feel optimistic that it can't last much longer.

Anyhow, on to the recap!

The only book I read was Where'd You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple.  It was funny and entertaining, if not a little predictable.  But, I liked the combination of letters, faxes, emails, and even medical bills used to tell the story.  I'm glad I finally read it,

What I added... well, my birthday is in February so some of these were gifts and a couple had been on my search list for a while.

The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence and Practicing His Presence by Brother Lawrence and Frank Laubach as well as The Passenger by Lisa Lutz were all birthday gifts, although you really couldn't get much different than devotions written by a 17th century monk on being present in even mundane tasks and a thriller about two women on the run from their past.
Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis is a book that I've been hunting for quite a while, so I was excited to find this one and Take Good Care of the Garden and the Dogs by Heather Lende on Bookmooch.

Jo Nesbo is an author I've been wanting to read for a while, but I wanted to start the series at the beginning, so when I found The Bat at a used book store while on my weekend out of town, I snapped it up.  Definitely worth the $4 price tag.

So, while I added quite a few, all of these were ones I've been wanting to read.  I'm excited about that.  Totals for 2017, I've read five, added eight.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

February Recap

Okay, first off, February is always a tough month for me.  As I mentioned in my last post, Christmas is done, but there's still winter and snow and darkness and cold.  Cabin fever starts to hit a fever pitch.  But this February has been especially hard.

When I worked at the hospital, I worked the afternoon shift, so I could get out in the morning and go cross country skiing or even out of town for a few hours and go for a nice long car ride, but now I'm stuck indoors from sunset up to sundown.  Luckily, we are getting more sunlight so sundown is already starting to occur after I get home.  But really, I think there's nothing more depressing then going to work when it's dark and getting home and it's already dark.  I don't know how people in Alaska or those with really long commutes manage that.  So, I've been missing sunlight.

Then I turned 34, which happens every February.  You'd think I'd be used to it by now.  But no, it seems every year my birthday puts me in a funk, thinking of all the things I should have accomplished by now or how I imagined life turning out.

Then, last week, I came down with a nasty cold.  I actually missed work, which rarely happens.  But, I was just worn out.  I slept a lot and watched Netflix.  I've hardly read or created anything, but I'm feeling like winter is wrapping up and that's going to change now.

Here's what has been taking up my time...

Listening to: A lot of Avett Brothers and Avett Brothers type artists.  Loving this song from Shakey Graves and the True Sadness album from Avett Brothers.

Black Mirror on Netflix.  I had forgotten season 3 was out on Netflix so I powered right through it.  I started it a couple years ago, and nearly gave up after the first episode which I thought was just gross and disturbing, but I'm so glad I kept watching.  There's swearing, violence, sex, and I definitely wouldn't let kids watch it, but the stories just blow my mind.  I really liked "Hated in the Nation" and "Nose Dive" best this season.  The episodes are all stand alone and question how we use technology and where we're headed.  Think of them as kind of cautionary tales.  I don't feel like I'm doing it justice, but it's so hard to categorize and I can't really think of anything to compare it to, except maybe like a modern day "Twilight Zone".

Traveling: I got up north with one of my friends to visit our friend that lives near the Wisconsin/Michigan border and we had a blast.  My brother took me out for my birthday where he lives.  We went to a restaurant I'd never been to so that was fun,  and then we went out for a few drinks with his girlfriend after she got off work.  It was actually a lot of fun.  I love going new places and my brother and I don't get to hang out very often. 

My Masterminds group and I also went to a room escape and did a puzzle.  Room escapes are right up my alley, but this was at the start of my cold, and I just felt a little off all night.

Room Escape
Here's our pictures.  We made it out with just under ten minutes to spare.  That's me on the end, with my coat and scarf on because I was freezing the whole time.  That should have been my first sign that I needed to be dosing with Vitamin C and Echinacea.

Eating: These Swedish Meatballs are the ultimate comfort food.  I've also made this crockpot recipe that is basically shredded chicken breasts, a can of drained black beans, undrained corn, a jar of salsa, and a pack of cream cheese.  It creates this rich, spicy, deliciousness.  It's so easy that I've made it twice already.

Looking forward to: I'm hoping to get back in my morning routine and want to get back to doing morning pages as well as more sewing and reading in March.  How was your February?

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Galentines Swap Reveal

We've reached that stretch where winter starts getting unbearable here in Wisconsin.  Christmas is done, we've made New Year's Resolutions, but the days are still short and cold and there's still snow.  So, when I saw that sign ups where open for Sweet Progress' Winters Swap or Galentine's Swap as they nicknamed this season's I knew I had to join.

I was paired with the lovely Sana from SuperSana.  She is gorgeous and a motivational dynamo blogging about healthy living and weight loss.  I feel like if she lived near me, I'd do a lot better about keeping on my fitness goals.  Check her out, she's awesome!

Her package arrived Friday and it was filled with treats that were right up my alley!

Galentines Swap

It was so nice out this weekend, that I did my pictures out on the deck!  The snow is rapidly melting, and although I'm sure we'll get a few more dustings, it does do good for my soul to see signs that spring is coming.  But, anyways, lets look closer, shall we.

The whole package was cushioned in a sea of hot pink tissue paper and inside was a large paper mache box which I can't wait to doll up as well as a cute card, Dove and Ghiradelli chocolates, and these treasures...

This adorable desk set in gold with blinged out paper clips, clips to organize papers, sticky notes, and erasers.

Gel pens.  I love these.   They write like a dream and jazz up list writing and notes, as well as a face mask.  I keep a basket of pampering goodies just for times when I need a little extra TLC.

And, a lovely pink potholder and polka dot dish towel.  I love pretty things that are also practical.  And, this adorable K initial necklace.  I where more necklaces now that I work at the credit union so this will be great to add to my rotation.

It was such a fun and thoughtful package and I'm looking forward to keeping up with Sana's blog.  If you want to see what everyone else got, you can head over to the link up.  And be sure to follow Mrs. AOK or Happy.Pretty.Sweet. so you can join in next time!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

February Goals

Here we are, half way through February, and I still haven't listed my goals. My masterminds group got together last Monday, so we were already nearly a quarter of the way into February by then, so basically, what I'm trying to say is that this month is flying by!

Here's a recap of January:
  • Daily quiet time.  Managed to do this about 3/4 of the time.
  • Work out at least three times a week.  I think I only hit this once, but the rest were all two times a week.  One of my friends from work goes so a lot of times we convince the other one to go or I'd be going even less.
  • Church every Sunday.  Uhm, I made it twice.
  • Twelve blog posts.  We were at six.
  • Get together, or set dates to see four friends.  I did this!  There was some early morning breakfasts, an after work supper, and a weekend trip to see a friend about two hours north of here that was so much fun!
  • Send four letters.  I sent more than four letters, I'm not sure they were all encouraging, but at least people knew I was thinking of them.
  • Sew at least 1/2 an hour a week.  Happened only once.
  • Write at least 1/2 an hour a week.  Didn't happen at all.
  • Save $100 for travel.  Saved $50, but then spent it on my trip north.
  • Read four books.  Managed to accomplish that!

So here's February's goals.  I'm scaling back and since it's a short month, just focusing on a few things.
  • Read four books.
  • Paint my laundry room.  It's still the matte white it was when we moved here ten years ago.  I'm dreading it because the room is so tiny and there's five doorways to trim around along with a set of cabinets, and the washer and dryer.  But it's looking tacky and it's time.
  • Work out three times a week.
  • Get together with friends four times.
  • Twelve blog posts.
  • Start getting up at 5am.  This one would allow me almost four hours before I have to be to work, so it would give me more time to sew, write, or even clean before work.
So how did your January go, or how is your February going?  Let me know.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

February Reading List

The books I picked for February are all fiction, but there's quite a variety of genres represented.

Here we go:
  • South of Superior by Ellen Airgood was loaned to me by one of my friends.  It takes place in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, which is my most favorite spot, and seems to just be a story about small town living and how it shapes the protagonist who is new to the area.
  • Where'd You Go Bernadette by Maria Semple is written all in letters and emails and faxes and the like, but they all work together to tell the story of a mother who disappears and how her daughter resolves to find her.  More comedy than mystery, it's gotten great reviews.
  • Madd Addam by Margaret has been on my reading list, a couple times now- once in October of last year, and again in November of the year before.  I really want to finish up the trilogy, so I'm hoping this is the month I do it!
  • The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky is probably considered young adult, which I normally avoid, and reliving the awkward teenage years doesn't sound fun, but the book appears solid in the reviews department and to be honest, it's a little on the thin side so I figured it was a good pick for a short month. 😉
So there it is, my February reading list. What are you reading this month?

Thursday, February 2, 2017

January 2017 Reading Recap

So we're already a month into the new year.  My goal for 2017 is to read 48 books.  (Same goal I've had for the past two years, but I haven't been able to reach it yet.  Third time's a charm.)  So, I need to read four books a month to stay on target.  Here's how January looked.

I did get four books read!  They were:
  • The Man from Bejing by Henning Mankell was a nice, cross continent mystery with action taking place in Sweden, China, and even western Africa.  I love a good Swedish mystery in the winter time, but this one kept you in the know for most of the story, and you knew half way through the book who the killer was and the motive, you were just hoping the main character would put it all together. 
    One thing that annoyed me was how naive Birgitta Roslin, the protagonist, was. She was smart and kept her wits about her for the most part, but she did some stupid things, like randomly asking strangers in Beijing if they recognized the picture she had of her prime suspect for a mass murder.  I may just be a cynical American but this seemed like a bad idea on so many levels- like first off, the odds are minuscule that anyone will recognize the man in the picture so it's probably a waste of time, and if they do, then what?  And, if they recognize him, it's probably not because he's a fine, upstanding citizen known for doing good.  She also gives out her contact information to everyone and their brother, and spills her guts about looking for a killer to random strangers, but won't tell her husband she was mugged.  It just didn't really make sense to me.
  • Dear Mr. Darcy by Amanda Grange, which was a retelling of Pride and Prejudice via letters many of the characters write each other.  I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.  Due to the fact that it gave more dimension to Willoughby, Georgiana Darcy, and even Mary Bennett.  It was quite enjoyable. 
  • The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown has been on my radar for quite a while, and I am glad I finally read it.  It was more about living a whole-hearted life, than about letting go of perfectionism, although I guess if you're a perfectionist than you need to let that go in order to live a whole-hearted life.  I am not a perfectionist, but it did really make me think about a lot of the things I do in my life, and make some resolutions on things that I need to change.
  • The Cozy Life by Pia Edberg was a Christmas gift from a friend and is all about living a happy life with less based on the Danish concept of Hygge.  Hygge is kind of like minimalism but it also involves nature, entertaining friends, good food, hominess, and being content.  I kind of picture it as practical minimalism.  I was happy to see I was already practicing a lot of the concepts, but it encouraged me to do more.  It's very practical and if you're new to the Hygge concept, I'd really recommend it.
As for what I acquired, both were Christmas gifts I received in January:
  • The Cozy Life by Pia Edberg which has already been read
  • Daily Rituals by Mason Currey is all about what different artists did to prime their creative pumps.  This was from a friend who I frequently discuss creativity with and it should be an interesting read.  Each artist is featured over one or two pages and just thumbing through it has proven interesting.
2017 totals: 4 Books Read/ 2 Books Acquired.