Sunday, January 3, 2021

Reintroducing Myself

 So, it's been a good two years since my last post. :)  I had let my domain expire, and then of course someone snapped it up right away, thinking they'd flip it or get me to buy it back at a crazy high price or something.  Which I had no intention of doing.  I actually had thought about deleting the whole blog, but I didn't for some reason.  And then I noticed earlier this week that the domain was back available at the normal price.  So I bought it back on a whim of sorts.  I had been thinking of starting a new blog, but I wasn't really sure about if I'd be posting regularly or not and was really just looking for a place to get my thoughts down, so this seemed as good as any.

I'm still Kaylee. I'm still married- going on fourteen years this year.  That doesn't seem possible.  Sometimes I feel like it's only been a couple years.  Other times I feel as though it's been decades.  I think that's how married life seems to most people though.  I still have the same two cats.  Still live in Wisconsin.  A lot of things are the same.  My love of books, coffee, sewing, traveling, setting goals- all still intact.

The last two years have been fairly busy.  I've been working on getting my associate's degree for nursing.  My last semester starts this month.  Once I successfully finish that (fingers crossed), in May, I can take the NCLEX, which is the exam to become an official, for real, RN.  The first semester felt like a roller coaster of emotions, mostly anxiety and stress.  The second was interrupted due to COVID, so it felt like I was just writing one paper after another.  This past semester was better and I felt like it went pretty smooth for the most part.

I'm still working a little, but school definitely takes up most of my time.  I'm only listed as casual at work, so they just call me if they need someone.  It's definitely given me more free time over winter break than I thought I'd have, but that's okay.  I finally made a valance for my kitchen window- after 14 years.  I've gotten out cross country skiing twice already, which is two more times than I did last year.  I've been cleaning, organizing, realizing how much stuff I still have.  Just trying to get everything in order before the last semester begins.



  1. Welcome back to Blogland, Kaylee! Good to hear you've been well and busy. Going for your nursing degree is a huge undertaking, but so worthwhile. Working on your education and future certainly is more important than writing blog posts! Keep us posted and best of luck and focus in the next semester!

    1. Thanks Karen! I definitely missed the blogging community and all the more with all the time spent at home due to Covid. I'm enjoying just being back for now, but yes, school definitely will take precedent over blogging. I actually already started looking into what I have to do to get my four year degree because a lot of employers will hire you with a two year, but want you to get that BSN within a couple years, so while there's light at the end of the tunnel, there's still another tunnel to go through. But at least I can do that while I work. Hope you're staying healthy and enjoying the new year!
