Sunday, March 9, 2014

A Few Favorites March 9- Doctor Who Edition

Another week has come and gone.   It's been warming up a little.  Some of the snow is melting finally.  You can really tell the difference when you drive, because there's no longer a snow pack you have to drive on.  But  it will still be months before I can get in my flower beds. 

So, what's a  girl to do?  Well, I scrubbed out my entire refrigerator and got rid of all those things that had expired, or starting growing fuzz, or I bought for one recipe and never used again (hello jar of peperoncini).  I have other projects I want to do, but am currently lacking in the motivation  department- like freshening up the paint in my laundry room, and sewing projects in progress.

But, today, on Zulily I noticed that they have a whole collection of Doctor Who tees for sale and that kind of influenced the whole post for today.  I think it's no secret that I'm a Doctor Who fan, so  I thought it'd be fun to do a little round up on some of my favorite Doctor Who Related things today.

1. "Dress Everyday Like You'd Run Away with the Doctor in those clothes."  Surprisingly good fashion advice.  I think of this on the days when I don't even get out of sweat pants until mid afternoon.  But seriously, if you were running away with the Doctor what would you want to be wearing?

2.  This is the tee I loved most from Zulily's collection.  It's from the VanGogh episode which is one of my favorites.  I also have a post with this print on it hanging in my office.

3.  Cross my love of Doctor Who with my love of The X-Files?  How could I not love this.  It's an awesome riff on the UFO poster that Moulder had hanging in his office.  This one is from Big Bad Robot's Etsy Shop.

4. Another great mash up: Dr Who and Gordon Ramsey.    Two great things in a meme!  Yes please. It's old, but still funny.

Anyway, for all my non Doctor loving readers, sorry, but it had  to be done.   I don't believe there has been any mention of the Doctor on here for months so it was time.  :)

Hope you all enjoy your Sundays and I'll be back this week with some more bread, some sewing, and some herb growing ideas.

Please note, Zulily links are affiliate links.


  1. LOL! I love the Gordon Ramsey one. :D

  2. Three of my four boys are HUGE Dr Who fans

    1. I was oblivious to Doctor Who until Netflix kept recommending it to me to watch instantly. Even then it took me a bit of time to give it a shot. But I love it now. :)
