I read all nonfiction this month! I think that has to be a first. Here's a little synopsis.
In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan. I like anything Michael writes. He's clear, he makes science easy to understand and he doesn't make food seem overwhelming. His book is basically about why we should eat more real food- food that doesn't have an ingredient list, because it's the ingredient- broccoli, eggs, watermelon, etc. He talks about how we got so off track and various food studies and why the whole way we think about food is flawed. Very good read. He sums up his food philosophy very succinctly: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.
You Are Talented! by Patrick Kavanaugh. This book is great for people who feel like they're just mediocre at life. It's a great practical guide for finding and honing your talents. Whether you feel like there's a spark of talent inside you're trying to grow into a flame, or you think your talents are just a pile of cold embers, this book will encourage you to dig deep and find what your talents are- and grow them.
The Accidental Creative by Todd Henry. I think we all know that I'm a Todd Henry fan by know. I recommended his podcast, and posted about morning rituals a few months ago. This was his first book, and presented a lot of the same things he's podcasted about, but it was nice to have everything laid out in order. I took a lot of notes, and even though the book is geared towards people that have creative 9-5s, I found a lot it very helpful.
Eat. Nourish. Glow by Amelia Freer. I had been wanting to read this book for a few months and finally inter-library loaned it. It's got lots of pretty photos, so good recipes, and is really laid out in an easy to understand manner. Amelia has a similar philosophy to Michael Pollan, in that you should only be eating real food- plenty of plants, and fruits, nuts, and seeds. It's not a diet book, but more about adjusting your lifestyle. Very good!
A trip to St. Vinnie's was responsible for a lot of my acquired list, but when softcovers are only 50 cents, how can a girls say no? Here's a list of what I picked up.
- Wicked Appetite by Janet Evanovich came in my favorite color swap, from Kenzie.
- The Letters of Vincent Van Gogh is an actual collection of his letters. When I travel I often try to get a book as a souvenir, and this book was picked up in Calumet at the awesome used bookstore I talked about a few weeks ago.
- 30 Days to Experiencing Spiritual Breakthroughs compiled by Bruce Wilkinson (just sounded interesting)
- The Education of the Heart edited by Thomas Moore (just sounded interesting)
- Child 44 by Tom Rob Smith had been on my Amazon book wishlist for almost a year, so I was excited to find it so cheaply!
- The Garden Book for Wisconsin (just thought I needed a region specific book about flowers, shrubs, trees, ect. for Wisconsin).
Books read for the year: 21
Books acquired this year: 29
I've read two good books in the last few weeks. I'm more of a summer-time reader, but am always collecting books and titles all year. For a couple weird reasons, I read The Bell Jar (written back in the 70s)...I'd always wanted to read this book, then the book title popped up in a random conversation. 2 days later, there it was front and center on a bookshelf in a store, so I figured I was meant to read it! I enjoyed it, but it left me with questions. Then I just finished Orphan Train which was super great! I loved it and would recommend it! Thanks for your suggestions...will take note.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it funny when a book seems to be meant to be like that? I love it when that happens. I've read The Bell Jar, but not Orphan Train, although everyone I know who has read it seems to have liked it. :)