Friday, August 23, 2013

Gratitude for What You Have

Here's something that's not new, but that we all need to hear.
"The earlier you learn that you should focus on what you have, and not obsess about you don't have, the happier you will be."
     -Amy Poehler
In this clip from Amy Poehler's You Tube Channel "Amy Poehler's Smart Girls" she's talking about self image and how you look physically.  It's meant for girls, but it something women need to hear to and it really applies to all areas of our lives.

We all have times when we feel chubby, talentless, or like we're wasting our lives, and we just go through the day waiting for it to end, hoping the next will be better.  But next time you start having bad thoughts about how you look, who you are, or how you aren't as talented as someone else, try to think about what you are good at and what things you love about yourself.

And if you still aren't feeling very charitable towards yourself, do something to make another soul's day better.  Call your mom and ask her how she is.  Bake cookies for your coworkers.  Make you family's favorite dinner.  Scroll through your Facebook friends and leave someone you haven't talked to in a while a thinking of you note on their wall.  A lot of times, I find the best way to get myself out of a funk, is to stop thinking of myself.

Have a great weekend everyone!  Be kind to yourself and those who cross your path!

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