Saturday, September 13, 2014

5 Things I'm Loving This Week

1.  My kidney stone is gone (I think).  I haven't had any kidney pain sense my lithotripsy on Thursday and the doctor thought everything looked good.  I go back in a month to be sure.  It's pretty awesome though, because I heard all these horror stories about passing the fragments of the stone and how painful it is, and I had like no pain.  I took one Vicaden due to the back pain I had after the procedure (you feel like someone punched you many many times in the side), but that's been about it.  I'm so happy!

2.    I'm really downsizing things.  I gave my old sewing machine to a friend along with a bag of fabric scraps.  I cleaned up my bulletin board and and trying to find other ways to get rid of things.  I know I talk about it all the time, but I'm really feeling motivated to get stuff done this week. 

3.  My friend Chris, who's also a massage therapist, came over last weekend and did some massages at my house.  I had to clean out my office to make room for her table and it was so nice having space that once she left I resolved to make it more roomy (which is why I'm getting rid of stuff).  Chris has just this awesome spirit where she makes you want to be a better person.  She lives far away so I miss seeing her, and it was so nice to catch up.  We talked about so many things.

4.  How yummy does this crustless apple pie from A Beautiful Mess look?  It is definitely on my to make list for this week.
Picture from "A Beautiful Mess"

5.  I've been reading more.  It seems like my reading always tapers off in the summer.  Maybe it's because it's so nice and warm out and I just want to soak it up, but as soon as the temps start dropping below 70, curling up with a good book is so nice.  I didn't realize how much I missed books until I picked them back up again.

What are you loving this week?


  1. YAY for no pain! Congrats on doing it right. :D
    #2 is tough...I'm trying to downsize and get rid of my fabric stash, but I can't imagine getting rid of my sewing machine. Even though I haven't used it in years, I wonder "what if I have to hem something? What if I get too fat *and* too poor and have to make all my own clothes?!"

    1. I should clarify- I got rid of my OLD sewing machine. I just got a new one for Christmas. but I held on to my old one because it was perfectly fine and you always think you might need a back up in case something goes wrong with the other machine, etc. Plus, I get sentimental about things, like my sewing machine is sad that I'm not using it anymore or anything. But, now it's given away for someone else to enjoy. :)

    2. Oh, and I totally have thought "What if I get too poor and have to make my own clothes." And also "What if there's like a financial crash and there's no place to buy clothes anymore and I have to make my own."
