Ah books! There is nothing better than new books, is there? (Or used- I'm not prejudice.) I just love how the air smells in bookstores, like paper and ink and if it's a used bookstore there's this old paper smell that mixes in. Yum! Anyhow, so of course I had to sign up for Chaotic Goddess' latest Books n Bloggers Swap!
My partner was Stephanie of Wife Mommy Me. She has a great blog talking about motherhood, marriage, and just life in general. She's a great writer and it was fun to check out her site and get to know a little more about her.
I got a great package from her. All the books she sent were wrapped up in paper and some awesome treats were included with a sweet note. So you wanna see what she sent?
So you are supposed to pick a book you loved that you think your partner would like, a book from your partner's wishlist, and a book that sounds like something they would like. So...
For a book she loved, Steph chose JoJo Moyes' Me Before You. She said it was her favorite read of 2014. I've heard lots of good things about this book, but I haven't read it yet, so looking forward to it.
For a book from my wishlist, she chose Still Missing by Chevy Stevens. This book was recommended for me by reader Kim Reid during my Clear Your Bookshelf giveaway. It sounded interesting, a little scarey, but like a can't put down read, so I'm looking forward to it!
And for a book she thinks I'll like, she chose Sarah's Key by Tatiana De Rosnay. I hadn't heard of this book before, but just reading the back makes it sound super intriguing! It takes place in 1942 and then goes forward sixty years, tying together two stories. And I see one of my friends has read it and gave it five stars on Goodreads.
Besides three great books, she also sent me a great smelling candle. It's succulent garden scented and smells fresh and spring like. She also sent me a bag of Godiva chocolates (which were delicious!) and some cute wooden tags to use for bookmarks. Sense I usually have several books I'm reading at once, these will come in very handy.
So, do you want to see everyone's posts of what they got from their partner? Check out the link up.
How fun! I can't wait to hear how Me Before You is, as I've heard a lot of good things about it. And I like Chevy Stevens- her stuff is definitely suspenseful, but good. I'm so glad you got a great swap package, and I hope you love everything in it. Thanks for joining us!
ReplyDeleteLoved it all! (The truffles are already gone.) Thanks for hosting. You girls always do such a fabulous job pairing everyone up. I appreciate it!
DeleteWhat a great package. The books you received sound very interesting. I cannot wait to hear about Sarah's Key. You received a wonderful package.